Hello! I'm Piotr Tomczak, a frontend developer with over 6 years of
experience in building web applications. I specialize in creating fast and scalable web applications
that cater to users' needs. I focus on code quality and ensure that applications follow the latest
I started my frontend journey at a newly established software house -
Solvee Studio. Under
the guidance of more experienced developers, I progressed from Junior to Mid-level. Over the years,
we collaborated on applications that are still being used in various fields, from the Judo
Federation to marina reservation systems. During my time at Solvee, we transitioned from working in
Angular 4 to React - and have continued with that technology to this day.
In my work, I use the latest technologies, focusing on code quality and attention to detail.
Freelancer - Frontend Developer · Guldier sp. z o.o.
I collaborated on the redevelopment of an internal
application for managing air units at airports - TCManager. The scope of work included
restructuring and improving the HTML structure, updating libraries, and enhancing
application performance, as well as integrating with the backend (Django). I also added
a responsive version and changed the appearance of the page based on a layout created in
As a Freelancer, I collaborated with MarineHub, creating
and managing a boat docking application. My responsibilities included developing
functionalities for both the web and mobile versions. I also worked with the backend
team and designers to implement new features and improve the overall look and user
At Solvee Studio, I worked on various projects, from a
courier app for transporting construction materials (client panel and fleet and driver
management) to an app for managing training plans for the Polish Judo Federation. I
collaborated with the project team to ensure that the applications met client
As a Junior Frontend Developer at Solvee Studio, I helped
create insurance forms, PHI token purchase registration apps, landing pages for a
Pampers diaper subscription store, and a garden umbrella store, all under the guidance
of experienced developers. I also assisted in testing applications and implementing new
features. I worked with the project team to ensure that the applications met client
Freelancer - Frontend Developer · Sigmasoft
I developed a map management panel for dockmasters and an
application for managing and locating watercraft. I collaborated with the backend team
and designers to implement new functionalities, and I also conducted manual application
As a Frontend Developer at Job Hunter, I worked on a
desktop application that helped connect employees with employers. It included a rating
and comment system for both employee and employer profiles.
At Educat, I developed mobile learning applications for
mentors and tutors, allowing them to better organize their work through scheduling and
offering video tutoring. I collaborated with the design team to ensure consistent app
UX, and conducted manual testing.
React Router
Freelancer - Frontend Developer · Piotr Żytkiewicz IT
As a Freelancer Frontend Developer, I created web and
mobile application interfaces. I collaborated with the backend team to implement API
query systems, and manually tested applications to ensure they met user requirements.
TC Manager is an internal application for managing air units at
airports. I worked on functionalities for managing and updating inspections, modernizations,
and purchasing parts. It was also used for conducting inventories of air units.
MarineHub is an application for managing boat docking spaces. I
worked on functionalities for marking places on marine maps, setting prices, editing
reservations, and communicating with vessels at sea.
Educat is an application for tutors and students. I developed
panels for Mentors, Admins, and Applicants, enabling online tutoring and mentor scheduling.
Glatz is a store for garden umbrellas. I created a customer
panel with umbrella configurators and a gallery of models, allowing the selection of fabrics
and models.